Learning Journals |
Students are required to submit 12 Weekly Learning Journals to Blackboard using the Turnitin drop box. For each Weekly Learning Journal, students are required to submit a 250-word response to one of the three questions posed on the assignment. Log on to Blackboard and select the correct Weekly Learning Journal assignment in order to read the question choices. Select the question you wish to answer and type your response in a Microsoft Word document. Upload your finished Word document to the Turninit drop box. No late assignments are accepted. |
Unit Projects |
Final Essay |
Students are required to complete a 3-4-page essay reflecting on the course theme of freedom in American history. No research beyond the assigned course textbook and materials is required. Essays will be submitted to the Turnitin drop box on Blackboard. The Final Essay is due Friday, April 22 |
Exams & Quizzes |
Students are required to take 1 introductory quiz and 4 exams using the Blackboard ASSESSMENT tool. Each exam is 1 hour long
and consists of multiple choice, short answer, matching and identification
questions. Exams are open book. Exams will be open for four days at the end of each unit of the course and students may take the test at a time of their own choosing during that period. Students may take their exams from any location. |
Grading |
are a mechanism for communicating the level of academic achievement
students have attained in relation to the learning objectives of this
course. Grades are not an assessment of student potential, individual
character, or effort. Grades in HIST 1700 will be based on the instructor’s
evaluation of student performance on the required assignments and exams. Students who have questions about grades are encouraged to talk with the instructor during her scheduled office hours or via the Blackboard EMAIL tool. |
Syllabus |
In order to understand what we will be doing over the next sixteen weeks and what will be required of you as a student in the course, it is important that you read over the syllabus carefully at the beginning of the semester and consult it often as the term proceedes. You may read the syllabus online or print off a copy to have close at hand when you need it. |
Introduction |
August 30- September 10
During the first week of the course, students should read the syllabus, familiarize themselves with this web site, and read/view the materials listed below. Next, use Blackboard to take the Introductory Quiz. ASSIGNED READING/VIEWING/LISTENING:
1 |
Foundations (Click on film clip #s to view) WEEK 3 (January 24 - 28) * Give Me Liberty, Chp. 4 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #6 and #7 WEEK 4 (January 31 - February 4) * Give Me Liberty, Chps. 5 and 6 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #8 and #9 WEEK 5 (February 7 - 11) * Give Me Liberty, Chps. 7 and 8 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #10, #11, and #12 "Liberty!" film clips #1, #2, and #3 |
2 |
New Birth of Freedom (Click on film clip #s to view) WEEK 6 (February 14 -17) * Give Me Liberty, Chps. 11 and 12 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #13, #14 and #15 * "The Africans," film clips #1, #2, #3 WEEK 7 (February 22 - 24) * Give Me Liberty, Chps. 13 and 14 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #16, #17, #18, #19 WEEK 8 (February 28 - March 3) * Give Me Liberty, Chp. 15 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #20, #21, #22, #23 |
3 |
Facing Freedom’s
Boundaries (Click on film clip #s to view) WEEK 10 (March 14 -18) * Give Me Liberty, Chps. 16 and 17 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #24 and #25 * "Coney Island," film WEEK 11 (March 21 - 25) * Give Me Liberty, Chp. 18 * "Questioning Freedom," film clips #26, #27 and #28 * "Triangle Fire," film clip #1 WEEK 12 (March 28 - April 1) * Give Me Liberty, Chps. 19 and 20 |
4 |