
1. Read a brief story on those people in colonial society who opposed the Revolution.

2. Read these encyclopedia entries for:

"Patriot (American Revolution)"
"Loyalist (American Revolution)"
"Founding Fathers of the United States"

3. Read these brief biographies of people caught up in the Revolution:
Abigail Adams
John Adams
Samuel Adams
Joseph Brant
Benjamin Franklin
Jehu Grant
Alexander Hamilton
Patrick Henry
Thomas Hutchinson
James Madison
Joseph Plumb Martin
Thomas Paine
Thomas Peters

4. Watch these video clips from the film Liberty!
Making the Constitution: Blueprint for a New Nation
Making the Constitution: The Constitution is Made Public
Making the Constitution: The Debate

This is STEP ONE of the Unit 1 Project. In this step, you will gather historical evidence about how people from different walks of life and cultures reacted to the American Revolution and the drafting of the Constitution. Read and watch the materials listed below. When you are finished, begin STEP TWO by going to the Unit 1 Project button on Canvas and following the instructions provided by Canvas.