A. Attendance.
Attendance is required.
B. Communication. Students are encouraged to visit the
instructor during her regularly scheduled office hours, Tuesdays and Thursdays,
10:00 am - 12:30 pm. Students who are not able to visit during these hours
are welcome to schedule an appointment for another time. If you schedule
an appointment but are not able to make it, please call or e-mail in advance
to cancel.
Students are also welcome to contact the instructor via e-mail. The instructor
makes every effort to respond to e-mail from students within 24 hours
during the week and within 48 hours during the weekends. Students are
expected to make timely responses to e-mail inquiries from the instructor.
Please include the course and section number in the subject line of your
C. Late Materials. All assignments and exams must be
turned in at the beginning of class on the scheduled due date. Papers
submitted after the deadline will be deducted one-third of a grade for
each day they are late.
D. Missing/Rescheduling Exams. Exams must be taken at
the scheduled time. In cases of extreme personal of family emergency,
students who provide a written excuse and/or documentation may reschedule
the exam at the instructor’s convenience.
E. Withdrawals/Incompletes. During weeks 3-13 of the
semester, students may withdraw from this course with the approval of
the instructor and the student’s advisor. The instructor will approve
withdrawals only if the student provides evidence of extenuating circumstances
such as personal illness or injury, death in the immediate family, or
a change in work schedule to secure, maintain or change employment.
Students who have completed a least 75% of the course requirements but
are unable to finish the remaining requirements due to documented illness
or family emergency may request an incomplete (I) grade. Incomplete grades
are granted at the discretion of the instructor.
F. Academic honesty policy. All assignments, projects,
and exams required for this course must be the work of the student who
submits them. Any course requirement that is the work of someone other
than the student who submits it will not be accepted and the student will
not receive any credit for the work. Students who submit plagiarized,
falsified, or copied work will not be given a chance to redo the assignment,
project, or exam. In all instances of academic dishonesty, the instructor
will follow CEU policies as outlined under “Student Rights and Responsibilities”
in the College Catalog. These policies state that students engaged in
academic dishonesty are subject to review and sanction including dismissal
from the college.
G. Courtesy in class and online. It is expected that
students will treat their fellow classmates and the instructor with courtesy
during class, at meetings, and in all online communications. Courtesy
includes using polite and civil language, being quiet and attentive when
others are talking, and maintaining an environment conducive to learning.
Use of rude or offensive language and disruptive or hostile behavior will
not be tolerated. Students who engage in such behavior will be asked to
leave the classroom and may be subject to disciplinary action under the
CEU “Student Rights and Responsibilities.”
Students should turn off or mute their cell phones before class begins.
H. Accommodation. Reasonable accommodations are available
for students who have a documented disability. If you are a student
with a disability or special need, please contact the CEU Disability Resource
Center immediately to arrange for accommodations that can assist you with
this course. The Disability Resource Center is located in the SAC
Building, Room 118. You may also contact the office by phone at
(435-613-5670 or by e-mail at DisabilityCenter@ceu.edu.