Students are required to complete a midterm exam and a final exam using WebCT. Each exam will consist of multiple choice, true/false, matching, and short answer questions. Students must take the exams in the Testing Center on the scheduled date. No early or late exams will be given. Exams are open book. Each exam is worth 25% of the final course grade. MIDTERM EXAM: Thursday, February 28 The midterm exam will cover the following material: 1. Born for Liberty, chps. 1-5 2. Assigned readings and websites for Weeks 2-7 3. Class lectures, films, and discussions from January 15 to February 21 FINAL EXAM: Monday, April 28 The final exam will cover the following material: 1. Born for Liberty, chps. 6-13 2. Class lectures, films, and discussions from March 4 to April 17 |